In commemoration of the 63rd anniversary of UMS, the Bureau of Financial Administration participated in the activities scheduled by the Committee of the 63rd anniversary of UMS, namely healthy exercise and devotional work in the UMS Edutorium area. The event which took place on Saturday, November 27, 2021, began with remarks from the Vice Rector IV of UMS Prof. dr. Em Sutrisna, remarks from the Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Jumadi, then continued with healthy exercise, breakfast, and ended with the environmental cleaning work in the Edutorium area.
The building of Edutorium of UMS
In his speech, Prof. Sutrisna emphasized the importance of exercise (gymnastics) in the midst of busy daily activities, but still had to observe health protocols in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. As for Dr. Jumadi explained more technically related to a series of healthy gymnastics and community service events in the UMS Edutorium area. The entire staff of the Bureau of Financial Administration, totaling 14 people, were present to enliven this event. We, all staff of Bureau of Financial Administration, don’t forget to wish a happy 63rd anniversary of UMS, may UMS be superior, enlightening, and all steps are blessed by Allah, Aamiin.
The activities of the staff of Bureau of Financial Administration in community service to enliven the 63rd anniversary of UMS