After going through a series of work meeting activities at the Bureau of Financial Administration (BAK), desk review and costing negotiation by the Reviewer Team coordinated by the Bureau of Planning and Development, finally the BAK Development Plan (RPUPA) for the Annual Implementation Plan (RIT) 2024-2025 was approved as of October 1, 2024. RPUPA-BAK RIT 2024-2025 is basically a short-term (annual) work program in order to realize the vision of BAK, which is in line with the vision of UMS. The vision of BAK-UMS, to become an accountable and Islamic financial administration management institution, is expected to be well established by 2029.
In general, efforts to achieve BAK’s vision are prepared in the form of a Long Term Development Plan (RPJP) up to 2029, the 4-year Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM), and the 1-year Short Term Development Plan or RIT, following the following scheme:
Based on an analysis of strengths (Strength, S), weaknesses (Weakness, W), opportunities (Opportunity, O), and threats (Threat, T) or SWOT analysis of existing conditions, as well as targets to be achieved, in the next 1 year (2024 -2025) BAK-UMS plans the following development programs:
The implementation of RPUPA-BAK RIT 2024-2025 will be monitored twice by the auditors managed by the Bureau of Quality Assurance, namely in the middle of the year and at the end of the fiscal year.