EFIN is taken from the specific term of tax identification number of online tax return (SPT), or Electronic Filing Identification Number. As the name implies, the EFIN menu contains information on the EFIN number of each tax-payer, i.e. lecturer and employee of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, and the income data form for the SPT reporting purposes that are ready to be printed. To find out your EFIN number and print your income data form, please log in using the CAS-UMS log-in system.

Starting from 2017 the Pratama Sukoharjo Tax Service Office (KPP) did not facilitate manual SPT reporting on the campus of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Every tax-payer is encouraged to report personal annual tax returns via online (e-filing), or if it remains manually, he/she must come directly to the Tax Office.