Following up on the instructions from the top board of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS), that each unit at UMS is expected to perform development work programs in the form of Development Plan of Academic Support Unit (RPUPA) as the RPPS/RPUPPS of study programs and faculties, the Bureau of Financial Administration (BAK) UMS since 2017 has carried out annual development work programs through the RPU (now RPUPA). RPUPA BAK is essentially an annual short term development plan (RPJP) in order to realize the vision of BAK UMS which is targeted to be achieved in 2029.
In the context of preparing the RPUPA for the year of 2021/2022, or the 1st year of the second Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJM) for 2021-2025, BAK UMS held a working meeting on October 14, 2021, located in the BAK Meeting Room, Lt. 4 South Wing Gd. ISW. In the initial session, the Vice Rector II for Finance and Assets, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Da’i, M.Sc., Apt., emphasized several things, namely: the importance of good financial management in the midst of a pandemic situation that generally affects the community’s economic condition, the need to review several cost standards, the importance of maintaining integrity and capability in managing finance, the importance of transforming financial administration services in the form of digitalization, and the importance of optimizing BAK’s performance by distributing appropriate job descriptions.
The Vice Rector II UMS conveyed the direction of BAK’s development for the year of 2021/2022.
In the second session, there was a discussion on the work program of the RPUPA BAK for 2021/2022, led by the Head of BAK, M. Mujiburohman, Ph.D. The discussion started with the delivery of the main objectives of the 2021-2025 UMS strategic plan related to finance, namely the realization of a funding structure, solid, transparent, and accountable financial management, with target indicators: the availability of accountable and transparent financial governance policies and guidelines (100%) , and the realization of financial information system integration with related information systems within UMS (80%).
Taking into account the analysis of BAK’s SWOT, the main objectives of the UMS strategic plan for 2021-2025, and the direction from the Vice Rector II, the BAK coordination meeting forum formulated the draft of RPUPA BAK for the year of 2021/2022, as follows:
The draft of RPUPA BAK will later be inputted into the Institutional Development Application System (APPLE), and will be reviewed by the Reviewer Team formed by the Planning and Development Bureau.
The situation of discussion to arrange the RPUPA BAK for the year of 2021/2022.