30th June 2021, The Budget Book Closing of Fiscal Year of 2020/2021

As is known, the fiscal year implemented at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta is valid from July to June of the following year. At the end of June of the fiscal year, there is a budget book closing in which all activities that have been funded must be reported. For the fiscal year of 2020/2021, the budget book closing or the deadline for completing the financial accountability reports (LPJ) for all the funded activities is set on June 30, 2021, at 14.00 WIB.

In order for the operational activities of the faculties/study programs/units to continue during the closing of the budget book, the mechanism for disbursing the budget and financial reports (LPJ) before closing the book is regulated as follows:

  1. The disbursement of the budget in June 2021 will only be carried out 2 times, i.e. on 7 and 17 June 2021. It is requested that the time for submitting the non-RPUPPS/RPU budget in June 2021 to adjust, no later than 16 June 2021,
  2. The submission of the operational budget of the faculties/study programs/units for July 2021 is submitted in June 2021, and will be disbursed directly on July 1, 2021. Thus, specifically for July the budget disbursement is carried out 4 times, i.e. on July 1, 7, 17, and 27, 2021,
  3. For the RPUPPS/RPU 2020/2021 activities that are not implemented, if the related activity budget has been disbursed, the budget must be returned when submitting the financial reports (LPJ),
  4. For the RPUPPS/RPU activities that have not been implemented and the budget has not been disbursed, the activities can be carried out no later than the end of July 2021; In this case, the study program must submit an application letter to the Vice Rector I regarding activities to be carried out until the end of July 2020 no later than July 6, 2021 (attachment to the letter is a list of activity plans printed from APPLE),
  5. The Completion of financial reports (LPJ) for the fiscal year of 2020/2021 and before (if any) is a condition for disbursing the 2021/2022 RPUPPS/RPU budget.

To anticipate the load of financial reports (LPJ) at the budget book closing, the Unit Leaders can access details of the financial report progress at https://simkeu-unit.ums.ac.id/ by logging in using CAS.